How to Master Mental Toughness

Hey, I’m Sunny Lenarduzzi. Mental strength is one of the biggest keys to success. What if 3 minutes a day could change your whole life? It did for me!! I’m sharing the exercise that has built my mental strength, focus and productivity skills to achieve more than I ever thought possible.


Listen to The Sunny Show PODCAST episode with Todd Herman “High Performance Habits to Build a World Class Business with Todd Herman”

Watch my video “3 Daily Habits to Reprogram Your Mind to Success”

Watch my video “8 Challenges Every Entrepreneur Should Expect”

Okay, so here’s the exercise. Let’s say that there’s a tightrope on the ground right now, and I have to walk across it. It’s laying on the ground so no problem, I’ll walk backwards. Good, pretty easy. I’m in heels, no problem. I’ll walk forward. Now would you walk along this tightrope on the ground? Pretty easy, right?

Okay, now let’s up the stakes. Let’s say that the tightrope is between the two buildings above us. Would you venture across that tightrope? Didn’t think so. All right boss, let’s talk about mental toughness.

I can speak from experience on this.

As you grow in any aspect of your life, you need to make sure that you’re mentally strong, mentally tough, and able to handle whatever is coming your way. Now you might be thinking about mental toughness as being concrete and rock solid, but really what it means to me is being adaptable, being able to flow with whatever’s going on around you and, more importantly, being able to stay focused and staying in your own lane. Are you focusing?

Because with the more success you have, the more you grow in any aspect of your life, there’s more responsibility, there’s more pressure, and there’s just more stuff that you have to deal with.

So the better your focus is, the better off you’re going to be. If you’ve ever struggled with staying focused or you find yourself really struggling with focusing lately, let me know in the comments below.

So I’m going to share a three-minutes exercise with you that you can do on a daily basis, just three minutes, three minutes that is going to help you build up your mental strength, your mental toughness, and more importantly, help you stay calm and focused.

This has been tested and proven on NHL players, NFL players, pro- golfers, billionaires, top CEOs, and beyond. So we’re going to dive into that in just a moment. I’ll walk you through the exercise so you can start doing it in your day-to- day life, because it’s made such a huge difference in mine and my focus and my ability to just go with the flow in my business.

But first, I want you to understand how your mind is operating on a daily basis and some of the things that I’ve learned to help me find that more sense of calm and peace in my day-to-day.

Last year, I had the chance to see Tony Robbins speak, and something that fascinated me about what he does on a daily basis is that he plunges into a cold pool every single morning.

When he was talking about it, what struck me is that he doesn’t do it because he enjoys it, nobody would enjoy that. He does it to show his brain who’s boss.

Because if he let his brain run the show, there’s no way in hell he’s getting into a cold pool every day. So he does it to really put himself back in the power seat, and that’s what I want you to understand is that you are not your mind.

You are not your brain. You are not your thoughts. It’s important to understand that as soon as you become aware of your thoughts, and the way that you’re thinking, that’s when you can actually start changing them and taking back the control.

The second thing to remember is that you need to detach from the outcome.

The reason that that tightrope example is so intimidating, is because you go from thinking about taking one step and one foot in front of the other on a flat surface and just moving towards your destination at a slow pace. That’s reasonable because you’re not a hundred feet in the air.

As soon as you raise the tightrope to a hundred or a thousand or whatever up in the air, the stakes increase. All of a sudden, you’re not thinking about each single step to get there, you’re thinking about how do I get from that building to that building. I want to get to that building over there and do it safely.

So you’re so focused on the outcome, that you’re not thinking about the journey and the steps that you need to do to get you there along the way.

And rule 101 or lesson 101 of setting goals or achieving what you want to achieve is focusing on the journey and focusing on the baby steps that are going to get you there.

The more you focus on the ultimate outcome, the more daunting, intimidating, and scary it’s going to feel for you, and that’s going to paralyze your mind. So in order to be fluid with your thoughts and to really be in control of the process and make sure that you’re enjoying it, you got to focus on step by step instead of the ultimate outcome.

Now we’re going to dive into the three-minute exercise to build your mental strength, your mental toughness, and your focus on a daily basis. To do this, I’m going to turn to an expert on the topic, my friend and high-performance coach, Todd Herman.

Todd has helped clients reach the Olympic podium, build multi- million dollar companies, and establish brands that have become internationally known. He’s owned his sports science training company for over 20 years, and his signature system, The 90 Day Year, has been named the world’s top leadership and skill development program twice.

Todd was recently on my podcast, and after the interview he shared this incredible exercise, and I had to share it with you.

Todd Herman:

“When I first started working with athletes is, I would tell them, “Don’t close your eyes,” ’cause the brain itself is, a large percentage is dedicated to the visual cortex, your ability to see. The brain loves to visualize and look forward and daydream. So a large part of it sees that way. The moment you shut your eyes off, you’re just shut off a huge conduit of activity, and so then other parts of the brain start lighting up, and then you wonder why your mind just starts racing.

So as a great tool to start is, let’s just imagine that you’re a golfer and/or a hockey player or soccer player. What I would teach those athletes is, sit wherever you want to sit. I have no prescribed way of how you have to sit, doesn’t matter to me. You put that golf ball or that hockey puck or something just a little ways out in front of you. Maybe it’s two feet in front of you on the floor.

Then you pick one point on that ball and you just stare at it. What I get them to do is to stare at it and imagine the number one on it. Then the moment you recognize that your mind has drifted off of the number one, you go and you put a two on it. Then you see the number two on that one specific part. Mind drifts away, three. Mind drifts away, four. You keep on doing that and you set a timer for three minutes. Then when the timer goes off, take a pen, piece of paper, or you have your app which most everyone have, can be a note section of your iPhone, and you just put in that number. Could be 36. Great. Now we’ve just gamified meditation.”

To listen to the full episode with Todd Herman on how to create high-performance habits to build a world-class business go HERE. And be sure to subscribe for more amazing interviews over there.

If you liked us and you’re actually going to try this exercise and technique, let me know in the comments below.

If you liked this video, hit the like button below. If you know somebody that could really benefit from using an exercise like this or wants to strengthen their mental toughness, make sure that you share it with your fellow bosses.

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Thank you so much for watching!



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