Hey, I’m Sunny Lenarduzzi. Today’s video covers 8 habits that are derailing your success, and how to transform them so you can THRIVE. If we don’t acknowledge our BAD habits, how are we EVER going to change them and create GOOD habits in their place? Cuz we all know that the good habits we build are the ones that are going to lead us down that shining path to our dream biz.

So, let’s talk about 8 habits that you absolutely MUST be aware of – habits that will stunt your success and sabotage your amazingness.


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Watch my video “3 Daily Habits to Reprogram Your Mind for Success”

When we’re little kids we’re taught to dream big until we dream too big, reality sets in and bursts our bubble. But what if we truly believe that through hard work and determination we could continue to grow beyond our wildest dreams? It’s possible.


The first habit that will stunt your success? We all do it, but we all need to stop doing it, comparison. Comparing yourself to every other person out there, whether they are in your space, or it’s someone in your personal life who you just envy and think they have the most beautiful, perfect life because of what you see on social media.

The more you compare yourself to other people, the more you put energy into that, the less you’re putting energy into your own growth and your own success. Salty isn’t a cute look.


Two is consumption. This means really anything that you’re taking in, whether it’s from a food or drink perspective, or from thoughts, feelings, and energy from people around you. As someone who wants to achieve great success, you kind of got to treat yourself like an athlete. You know what athletes’ regimens look like. They’re super, super healthy, they’re very cautious of what they eat and what they drink, they’re not overconsuming, for the most part.

They are also cautious of who they hang out with. Because if you’re hanging out with people who only think on a small frame, you’re never going to think that it’s realistic to think bigger and dream bigger. You have to surround yourself with the right people who have the right energy that they’re bringing to the table that’s going to lift you up and make you believe that you’re capable of so much more. Being conscious of what you consume on a daily basis is so important. If you do surround yourself with the wrong people, if you’re consuming the wrong things, if you’re not fueling your body, if you’re not working out and exercising and eating the right things on a daily basis, it’s going to keep you stuck.

One of the things that I started doing is I don’t look at my phone first thing in the morning. The first hour of my day is dedicated to getting up slowly, doing some mindset steps, so whether that’s meditation or just taking space, going for a walk, moving my body, doing a workout or going for a run, or something like that, journaling. Just priming myself on my own terms, so I’m proactive and feel good about starting my day. I’m not reactive and taking in everybody else’s energy and thoughts because those are the things that are going to keep you stuck and small.


Now, the third thing is hoarding. What do I mean by this? Well, no matter what stage you’re in right now, I totally get it. I went seven years doing everything by myself in my business, but you will get to a point where you realize that it’s just not possible. If you have just one person, just you, doing everything in the business and everything in your life and you’re never asking for help, how are you possibly supposed to grow? The thing about doing everything yourself, after a while you’ll really start to get on each other’s nerves, right?

Too many cooks in the kitchen. So find the right people for the right seats. Put them in their genius zone and that’s when you can start elevating and growing. Again, there’s no shame in doing everything yourself for a while and learning things on the way, so you can teach other people how to do them the way that you like them done, but also allow them to run with those tasks or those parts of your business or life and make them even better and put your trust into them.

I want you to comment right now below this video and let me know what one thing is, whether it’s in your life or your business, that you could ask for help for today.

It could be something as small as asking someone to go pick up a grocery for you, so you don’t have to take that time and go do it. Or asking someone to babysit tonight for you. Just asking for that help is going to free up space for you to be able to elevate your whole life.


Number four is idolization. What this means is you put people on a pedestal. You look at people who are succeeding and at the top of their game and you go, “I could never achieve what they have achieved.” But news flash, if they can do it, you can do it, so stop idolizing people. Start studying them and start studying their path to success because everything is replicable.

When you live your own unique experience, your own intel and your own genius to bring to the table, you can surpass the people that you look up to right now. You just have to focus on the fact that you’re capable of it and not putting people on a pedestal. Of course, you can respect their experience and respect what they’ve done, but they’re not superstars. They’re not aliens. They’re not out of this world. They’re human beings, as are you, which means you’re absolutely capable of just as much success as anybody else on the planet.


Number five – , give me a Like below if you are a fellow recovering perfectionist, or maybe you’re still a super, super perfectionist, as is really, really, really normal for anybody who wants to achieve great things in their life because you feel like you have to be perfect in order to do it. I totally get it. It’s something that I still battle with, but perfectionism is paralysis. It will keep you stuck, tuck, tuck, tuck and playing small.

Taking imperfect, messy action is the best way to start growing. Because if you don’t put something out into the world, you have no idea what the response is. The worst thing you can do, and I’ve done this, is spending hours and hours and so much mental time and energy on a project and thinking it’s the greatest thing ever, and then putting it out there and getting no response because I didn’t ask, I didn’t test, I just start doing.

Instead of doing this big huge project or action, take one small imperfect baby step. Maybe if you want to write a book one day, you could just write one post on Facebook that has something to do with that book and start gauging the reaction. Start testing that content with your ideal audience. That’s going to give you the confidence to move forward and also the proof that it’s relevant content, and information that the world needs from you. Because I can guarantee they do, but you got to start putting it out there first and not worrying about every single little detail and, again, will paralyze you.


Number six, similar to perfectionism, complication. It’s just a fancier way of being a perfectionist. Basically, it’s overcomplicating every single thing that you do. Instead of, again, just taking the action and doing what you need to do or putting whatever it is that you want to put out into the world out there, you start going, “Oh, well, I have to take this course before I do this,” or, “I have to call this person and get their permission before I can actually say this thing.” That’s a way of basically stalling, so you don’t have to jump and leap and take the chance to put yourself out there and potentially risk not getting a great response.

But you know what, the more objection you face, the more resilient you become. One of the biggest qualities of a successful person is how they handle rejection and how resilient they are. It’s just a learning curve and every single person in the world has had to get over it. So that complication, when you find yourself working on something and when it feels like it’s ready to be put out there, but you’re fine- tuning every little detail and overcomplicating the crap out of it, you might just be stalling.


Number seven is dwelling on the past. Super common. You also start to buy into things that have happened to you in the past and use that to determine your future. Say you put a project or piece of work out into the world not too long ago, and it didn’t go well, or you got a negative response. You even got one person who said something really not very nice about it. You’re then creating a story in your head that any time I put myself out there, I’m going to get critiqued and it didn’t feel good, so I don’t want to do it again.

But that’s taking someone else’s word and putting so much weight in it that you are going to stay stuck for the rest of your life because you can’t get over their reaction. That has way more to do with them than it does with you. Don’t allow your stories from the past, your experiences from the past to determine your future.

Which brings me to the last thing, habits that’s going to keep you stuck and playing small, which is dwelling on the future. If you’re thinking of much about this big huge vision and goal that you have for yourself, it’s great to have that. But if you’re so stuck on creating that yesterday, basically, and creating it overnight, you’re going to get frustrated. That’s going to stop you from moving forward and making the things happen that you need to make happen.

Instead of going after this big longterm vision, start with small baby goals and break them up. Start tackling them one by one every single day, and you will eventually get that big vision. But if you dwell too much and you futurecast too much, of course, it’s going to feel superoverwhelming and daunting and, again, it’s going to keep you stuck from actually taking action.

If you liked this video, make sure that you let me know in the comments below. Thank you so much for being here! Thank you for being a part of the Boss Community.

I hope this video helps you get unstuck.

Next week I’m going to show you the exact five-minute exercise that showed me how to create a fulfilling life all around. It seriously changed the game for me, so I can’t wait to share it with you guys.

Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye, boss!

Also, don’t forget to join the Be Your Own Boss Mastermind group on Facebook with thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world. Join your fellow bosses in achieving the life you want to live on your own terms!

Thank you so much for watching!



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