Three Types of Video for Business

Alright let’s cut to the chase. The biggest hurtle to creating videos for your business is..drum roll please..fear. Period, end of story. Fear of equipment. You don’t know what kind of equipment to use, you don’t know what kind of camera to use, you’re not a videographer, you have no training in this, should you invest in a $5,000 camera? Fear number two is fear of editing. It’s the technical stuff. It seems way too complex, you’re too overwhelmed, you don’t have time to learn. Three – fear of being able to execute. You just don’t have the time and you don’t have the resources. So how are you possible going to create video for your business? Four – this is probably the biggest one, is fear of looking stupid. You don’t want them to look low quality, you don’t want to sound dumb, you hate the way that your voice sounds on camera, the way that you look on camera – that’s probably the biggest fear. Well, here’s the thing, everyone has those fears when making videos, whether there for your business or for fun. I had those exact same fear, but video has changed my business, and that’s why I’m such a big advocate and I’m such a big advocate for you learning how to use it, and to do it effectively and efficiently so you’re not wasting your time trying to learn all the little tricks of the trade. That’s what I’m here for! I’ve made videos on how to edit, and I have a video editing cheat sheet that will walk you through the whole process. I also have videos on how to be great on camera, and I have a video on explaining exactly what kind of equipment you need to get started, and surprisingly, it’s really just a smart phone – and that’s it! I have a link to all those tutorials below this video so you can check them out afterwards. And if you want to see what my filming studio is like, again, it’s very simple and recently on snapchat I did a little behind the scenes tour of what my set up looks like, so take a look at the recap in the video.

Outside of those things, what’s the number one thing you need to know when it comes to making video for your business? Strategy. That’s it. That’s what’s going to save you time and resources when you’re putting your resources together and you know you’re going to get the most ROI if you’re strategically thinking about your content. So that’s what today’s video is all about. These are the top three types of videos you want to be making for your business to see the highest return on all of your efforts. A little side note – these video content strategies can be used across social platforms from snapchat to twitter to facebook. What ever kind of video you’re creating for what ever kind of platform, these content strategies apply to all of them.

The first type of content is thought leadership content. This allows your audience to think of you as an authority, it gives you credibility, and it also makes your audience trust you a little more. I’m a big fan of instead of the old school way of always be closing in business in business or always closing sales, I like ABV – always bring value. This allows you to offer up value in a variety of ways. Thought leadership content can look like question and answer sessions, you can do this on a live stream on periscope to offer your authority on a specific topic and to also engage with your audience and build those relationships. Another great option for this is focusing on trends in your industry or your business – what are some of the biggest questions going on in your business right now? What are some of the biggest technologies that people are using? What kinds of things can you rally around, that people in your industry or audience wants to know about. Another kind of content you can do for thought leadership is advisory. So just like this video, it’s just a talking head on camera, you can do the same thing about any questions related to your industry or some sort of skill or tactic you want people to know about that you’ve implemented into your business that’s worked really well.

The second type of video that you should be creating for your business are social proof videos. These can be user generated, so people that are using your products and services, their creating their own videos across platforms and raving about your services – use those! Ask them if you can use them in your own marketing strategy. You can also ask people to submit their own testimonials or you can set up an actual filming location and bring in a bunch of customers and ask them questions about their experience with your brand. That’s a great way to build community and to also prove to other people that your products and services are super valuable and this is how there positively affecting them. Another great way to create positive social proof is by creating positive brand sentiment, which you can do through your own company culture. Have your own employees talk about what it’s like to work for you, what they think of the brand, why they want to work for the brand, and all of your morals and values that go behind your business. That’s a great way to show the rest of the world what an awesome company you are. If you’re an awesome company, people want to buy from you!

The third type of video for your business is pretty important and it’s a product or service video – pretty self explanatory. Basically what this means is what ever your product or service is that you’re offering, make sure that you’re creating really good in-depth tutorials around how to use them, why to use them, and how there benefiting peoples lives. Part of the reason that you want to do this, is that you’re controlling the narrative. Like it or not, people are creating videos all the time, or their writing tweets or facebook posts about your products and services. This allows you to control the narrative a little bit and to make sure that people are getting the most out of your products and services and using them the right way.

Another bonus of creating a product or service video about your brand is being able to optimize the content. Video is 53 times more likely to show up on the first page of Google over other kinds of links or reviews, so if you’re creating highly optimizes content about your brand and your product, you’re going to show up above user generated content. Again, that allows you to control the narrative and you should be the first thing that your customers, or potential customers are finding when their researching you, your product or your brand online. Those are my top three videos that you should be creating for your business.

I hope this has saved you a little time, a little stress and a little effort. The reason I”m so passionate about creating videos for your business is because I started this YouTube channel 9 months ago and the effect that video content has had on my business is hard to even put into words. It increased my reach exponentially, I’ve built authority in my space which has resulted in speaking engagements, and interviews and all those kinds of things. It’s also created this incredibly engaged community across all my social platforms. Another incredible bonus about creating video content specifically on YouTube is that it’s been the number one way that I’ve grown my email list in the last nine months.

I’d love to hear if you’re using video for your business yet, or after you’ve watched this if you plan on using video for your business. Leave a comment and let me know below. Again, I hope you found this helpful! If you liked this video, hit the like button below, share it with your friend and be sure to subscribe. I offer up so many tips like this and exclusive emails, so make sure you sign up on my website! I do also have a full course on recording for revenue, so creating video content for your business across platforms from snapchat to YouTube and you can check that you, I’ll put the link below. Other than that, I just hope that this video is going to help you get started to creating videos for you business. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time.

[ Want to try Recording for Revenue? Click here]

How to Edit your Videos
Video Equipment
Camera Suggestions
How to be Comfortable on Camera

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